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Time to Make a Radical Shift in Perspective?

Writer's picture: katherine3131katherine3131

Updated: Nov 25, 2024

One of the gifts and challenges of awakening, and one our current world situation is calling out in us, is the necessity of making a radical shift in perspective. The planet Pluto has just entered the sign of Aquarius, and with this transition the very foundation of our world view is shifting.

As many things we thought were solid and true seem to be challenged and are even dissolving in front of our eyes, we are being given the opportunity to radically change our perspective. We are being challenged to see things from the perspective of the larger whole, the bigger picture.  But how do we see the good when there is so much negativity?  How to we get to that higher perspective?

We have been hearing so much about ASCENSION and many are experiencing not only the higher energies coming in, but the shifts in consciousness that these energies bring.  And yet this process has also been quite a challenge on a day to day basis. How do we integrate all these energies? How do we make the most of them? How do we deal with the shadow that seems to get stronger as greater light is coming in? It turns out this is not necessarily a smooth and easy ride!

As you have no doubt noticed, a thing can look very different when looked at from different angles, different perspectives.  In our current climate of extreme polarization, where competing claims of truth are being thrown around with abandon and even facts are suspect, we are all asking, what is the truth?  How are we to know what to believe, and more importantly, what to act upon?  In my view, the key to sorting this out for ourselves is to look at what perspective someone is coming from.  What is the lens through which they are looking at the world?  Is it based in fear, or love, higher unity or divisiveness? Is that a perspective you want to embrace?

What perspective are you seeing from, and what perspective is going to give you the greatest understanding of a situation?  One way to look at the energy shifts taking place is to see this time as energetic support from the cosmos, assisting us to take the elevator up to the higher floors of the high rise building that is our multidimensional energy system. We are being asked to begin to perceive reality from that higher perspective.  When we are focused on physical reality, what we call our 3rd dimensional reality, things can look very limited indeed. Like being on the ground floor of a high rise building, our view is much narrower, much more focused on our immediate surroundings.  But we are being shown that our consciousness and our energy system is multidimensional, and has many higher levels and dimensions, and many possible perspectives, to explore.

While I believe there is a higher truth, it exists within the higher consciousness of each of us, and any other truth can only be seen as relative, based on a particular and necessarily limited perspective. When we step back from an external focus and see with the eyes of spirit, we are able to see the larger whole from a higher, more coherent, more unified perspecitve. We still may recognize darkness and chaos, but we also see the light and love that is even stronger, that nourishes our true being and higher purpose. When we hold the darkness we see in that higher love, and view it with compassion instead of anger, we begin to heal those deeper divisions that have created the darkness to begin with. That healing begins within us, reintegrating what we have lost or cut off within our own being.

The Resonance Alchemy sacred syllables are a powerful energetic boost that assist us in raising our frequency and moving us to that higher dimensional perspective.

The syllables KA'OK TU DUR literally mean Seeing with the Eyes of Spirit.

Meditation with these syllables strengthens our higher sense perception and helps us shift our consciousness to a perspective of wholeness, love and compassion and away from separation and division. From this perspective we see solutions instead of problems and access our inner resevoirs of centered calm and alignment with our highest truth.



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